
ETA/DELTA Education Day

ETA / DELTA Education Day Presentations from Nancy Sheppard from Kier Surgical and Gillian Shaw from Steris

ETA Education Day – March 18, 2023

Royal Canadian Legion BR 101 3850 Lakeshore Blvd, West, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada

ETA's 1st Education for the New Year, held at the Legions of Canada. Speakers from Medline ( Emma Kispal ) and Steris ( Manon Laflamme)

Kier Tour – Sigma & Eta Members

ScopeCare 25-2501 Rutherford Road, Concord, Ontario, Canada

This is a joined tour group of the Sigma chapter and Eta chapter. It will start at Vaughan 09:00 AM at the ScopeCare facility at 25-2501 Rutherford Road Concord, Ontario. The tour will then proceed to Oshawa @ 10:30 AM to visit the Kier Surgical Complete Care facility at 29-575 Wentworth St. East Oshawa, Ontario.

ETA Chapter Education Day

Montecassino Hotel and Event Centre 3710 Chesswood Drive, Downsview, Ontario