The reports below provide an overview of the course progress of all students in your group.
[ld_propanel widget=”overview”]
Filter Results
Select your group, course, students (users) and status to return results below.
[ld_propanel widget=”filtering”]
Course Progress
This report shows the students who have completed the course and those who have not.
Use the search box to search for a student by name.
[ld_propanel widget=”reporting”]
Course Activity and Quiz / Exam Results
This report shows the latest activity of students in your group, including date and score on quizzes, exams and course completion.
[ld_propanel widget=”activity”]
Progress Chart
Click on the charts below to see the number of students who have started, not started, and completed the course.
[ld_propanel widget=”progress_chart” display_chart=”side-by-side”]