
Awards nominations are now open!

It's time to show recognition to our outstanding MDRAO members! All who submit nominations will be entered to win a complimentary conference registration and 3 free nights hotel accommodation or a $500 cash prize. We are accepting nominations for the following awards: The ASP Award of Excellence in Medical Device Reprocessing Rewarded to a...


MDRAO now offers its exam in French!

The Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario, a national leader in MDR, is excited to announce it now offers its exam in French. MDRAO is committed to serving MDR specialists all over Ontario, and this is an important step to ensure all our members have valued credentials, whether you are francophone...


AORDM offre maintenant son examen en français !

La MDRAO s’engage à servir les spécialistes du RDM partout en Ontario, et il s’agit d’une étape importante pour offrir à tous nos membres des qualifications recherchées, que vous soyez francophone ou anglophone. Si vous êtes sur le point de terminer votre cours ou si vous souhaitez renouveler votre certificat, l’examen...


CSAO Changes Name to MDRAO

CSAO Name Change Update: Dear members, As you may be aware, the Central Services Association of Ontario (CSAO) will undergo a name change to Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario (MDRAO). This decision was supported by members and aligns us with the ?MDR? theme that is and has been transitioning across the...


MDRAO Member Community

Our new Member Discussion Forum is now up and running. Please feel free to personalize your profile by adding a photo and personal interests. Also tell us about yourself, which hospital you have worked in the past? Why you joined the MDRAO?  Why you are passionate about MDR? If you are...